Tru Clean Floor Care

Rug Cleaning in Pinellas County

TruClean’s cleaning methods and systems are the most dynamic in the industry. From our Truck mounts, equipment, tools, pre-sprays, and rinsing agents. At TruClean, we take the chemistry of cleaning seriously. TruClean serves all Pinellas County residents, both commercial and residential. We also offer 24-hour emergency services. Our goal is to be available and to serve customers whenever they have a cleaning emergency. “This type of service stems from the values I have learned in the service.” “Semper Paratus” meaning “Always Ready.” ”- Chris Bastow Our friendly staff has the expertise and training they need to accomplish every task that comes our way.

Rug cleaning with FREE pickup & delivery! We don’t cut corners, we clean them! Repeated cleaning attempts with over the counter do-it-yourself cleaners can bleach out, damage the fibers and leave dirt attracting residue in the rug. Plus, constant scrubbing can permanently damage your rug. With our state of the art area rug cleaning facility, we can guarantee your rug will be returned to you thoroughly cleaned and urine free. Our submersion and flush technique safely and effectively removes all urine contamination from even the most severely spotted rugs. We call this our “fully submersible pet treatment.”

Why Choose Us to Clean Your Rug

Though every cleaning company will claim to be the best, once you sort through all the advertisements and offers, you will find we emerge from the competition. We will walk you through each step of our Pinellas cleaning process, provide you with unique insight regarding how to keep your rugs in elite condition and keep you comfortable throughout the entirety of our service. Ask around and you will see that TruClean is the best in all of Pinellas County.

Services Provided by Tru Clean Floor Care

  • Pickup & Delivery
  • Rug Cleaning
  • Rug Odor Removal