Ogulkian Rugs

For 82 years, our family has hand-cleaned and repaired Oriental rugs. Although our method may seem old-fashioned, the hand-cleaning process, while labor intensive, is by far the most effective and least corrosive to your rugs. We know that these rugs become a part of the family as they are passed down from generation to generation. In order for them to last for generations to come they must be handled properly by professionals. Individualized attention allows us to offer levels of service consistent with the needs of the rug and our customers. Every rug is unique. Every need is different. We have years of extensive experience in providing the skilled care necessary to preserve thousands of hand knotted rugs and hand woven kilims, including treasured family heirlooms, collectible museum-quality antique rugs, and pieces appreciated for their decorative value in clients' homes. As we often illustrate , to repair and restore rugs and kilims is a skill and labor-intensive process, which can include: - sourcing the right yarns to be used for the repair or restoration - protecting the surrounding areas around the damage - rebuilding all damaged or missing warp - re-knotting pile while recreating missing or damaged motifs - weaving weft to tighten knots or to recreate missing motifs as in the case of kilims - binding selvages (selvedges) to prevent the edges from fraying - binding and rebuilding fringes to prevent unraveling We believe that combining these steps to restore a handmade rug or kilim is an art form in which we take great pride. We provide a full range of superior kilim and rug repair and restoration services, including those necessary to address the following common problems faced by rug and kilim owners: - worn fringes - holes and/or torn areas - moth damage - pile wear - kilim unraveling - selvage (selvedge) wear We are committed to providing our clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about how to care for and preserve their rugs and kilims for years to come. As such, we provide free inspections of all clients' rugs and kilims in need of repair or restoration. During these inspections, we provide detailed explanations of the various repair and restoration options available to our clients. In addition, we provide clear and detailed information regarding the price of all repair and restoration options available to our clients.

Location and Contact Information of Ogulkian Rugs
  • In Business Since: 1930