Keyvan Oriental Rugs - San Antonio
THE KEYVAN EXPERIENCE Our promise to you, our valued customers is to offer the finest quality of oriental rug inventory available as well as provide the highest standards of rug cleaning and restoration methods in the industry. Our dedication to servicing all of your rug needs is unparalleled. We are grateful for the opportunity as your rug service provider. PROFESSIONAL HAND CLEANING professional hand cleaning Keyvan Oriental Rugs offers expert fine rug cleaning services. We take special care of your rug by hand-washing it. This method is the best because your rug will not lose any of its value from color bleeding or mildew and it will be genuinely clean. We use patented state-of-the-art equipment, non-toxic environmentally safe supplies, and well-trained service technicians. When a rug is cleaned or washed properly it will not only look better but it will also feel better. You’ll notice the rich colors and beautiful intricate designs have a much more vivid look after your rugs have had a good bath. Rugs cleaned by Keyvan Oriental Rugs stay cleaner longer, promoting a healthier working and living environment. Surface cleaning is a common method of rug cleaning used by many rug cleaning companies. Surface cleaning uses rough machines and hot water to clean exactly what the name says, the surface. If a rug is just surface cleaned, it may look better on the surface, but that all-important soft feel will not be apparent. This process often causes rugs’ colors to bleed and mildew to form.

Areas Served by Keyvan Oriental Rugs - San Antonio