Always Clean LLC.

Oriental and Area Rug Cleaning in Connecticut

Always Clean LLC If you’re looking for a professional, reliable cleaning company in Connecticut, look no further than Always Clean LLC. Always Clean LLC’s technicians are certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) for carpet cleaning, commercial maintenance, upholstery and fabric cleaning, and water damage restoration. Whether you’re a new homeowner, a business with deep roots in Connecticut, or anything in between, Always Clean LLC is ready to help you with all your carpet and floor cleaning needs.

Our Rug Cleaning Process:

Step 1: Set an Appointment & Conduct Pre-Inspection Our area rug cleaning services begin with pick-up and pre-inspection. Make an appointment to drop your rug off at our RugSpa workshop, or let us know a good time to come pick it up from your home

Step 2: Comprehensive Diagnostics Next, we’ll diagnose your rug’s condition, including fading, shrinking, dye bleed, and others. This detailed inspection will help us determine how to take the best possible care of your rug.

Step 3: Use RugBadger Ultrasonic Cleaner To Remove Dirt Cleaning itself begins with dry soil removal—using our RugBadger ultrasonic cleaner, we will completely remove dirt, soil, pollen, and other debris from every crack and crevice of your rug.

Step 4: Conditioning The process continues with conditioning, rinsing, and spot-cleaning.

Step 5: Drying & Finishing Once your rug has been finished and groomed, our specialists will provide a final inspection to ensure the utmost quality before wrapping it in protective brown paper for the journey back home.

Services Provided by Always Clean LLC.

  • Pickup & Delivery
  • Rug Cleaning